Feeling Blue? Try These 5 Things to Get Out of Your Funk!

Everyone feels blue sometimes. I’m not a psychologist, but I certainly have enough experience pulling myself out of it, that I can share what works for me...maybe it will work for you too. Normal ups and downs are a part of #momlife, and I encourage you to face the feelings. First, ask why you are feeling blue!


Are you bored?

Are you overwhelmed?

Are you tired, either physically or emotionally?

Are you grieving the loss of something or someone?

Are you making a series of poor decisions and you can’t find a way out?


These are all very real and valid reasons to feel down, and I encourage you to take a minute and really feel your emotions before doing something to get out of the funk. Sadness can bring clarity to difficult life circumstances and alter our perspective on situations we are wrestling with. Fun fact: crying releases all kinds of hormones and can physically make us feel better, so don’t stop yourself from crying! It’s your body’s natural way to calm yourself and improve your mood.

But we have to continue to live life, right? We still have to go to work, take care of our family (and ourselves), and tackle the to do list. And sometimes, we need to take a positive action to get through the day. If this isn’t enough, maybe speaking to a counselor is the right move, even if it’s once a month to unload and gain advice. The funk I’m talking about in today’s post is really the normal emotional ups and downs that women go through.

Ok, today’s post is about 5 positive things you can do when you need to get out of a funk! Here we go...


Look up inspiration on Pinterest!

I have typed “mom quotes” in the search bar on Pinterest! It’s amazing what comes up! Such good inspiration and funny anecdotes. You could even set a timer for 5 minutes and look at all the good stuff, maybe even throw in a search for fitness quotes if that plays into your life. This is meant to make you smile and give you a boost of inspiration and confidence!


Get moving.

 Move your body. Do a TikToc dance, go for a walk, do a workout in the gym or your garage...do something where your blood is pumping. This naturally releases endorphins and improves mood! I would venture to say that vacuuming the house will have the same effect. If this is on your to do list, then you’re getting a double boost….productivity AND movement.


Read Scripture

Oh man, open the Word. This could really be praying or meditating too. The goal is to take a few minutes to connect to God and listen to goodness flow back. When we actively open the line of communication, we should not be surprised when we hear little whispers throughout the day.


Here are a few verses that might help:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgement.”

2 Timothy 1:7

“Though she falls, she will not be overwhelmed, because the Lord supports him with his hand.”

Psalm 37:24

All of Psalm 139...It’s amazing...


Make a list of things to do, and do some of them.

Are you bored or overwhelmed? Spend literally 5 minutes and make a list of things you need or want to get done. Put the most important in the top section and work your way down to the least important. Then, spend the next 30 minutes actually doing what you put on the list and cross them off! Boom. Accomplishing something, even small things, will give you a boost!


Tell someone that you need a pick me up.

Whew...this last one is the hardest. We live in a “superwomen” society where we are supposed to handle it all with grace and perfection. But that’s not reality, and it creates monstrous pressure. Simply sending a text to a friend saying something like, “Hey girl! I really don’t feel like myself today, send me a funny or encouraging quote.” Or maybe it needs to be more specific like this, “The kids are really testing me today! This season is sooo hard. I could use a girls lunch soon to decompress!” It might spark more conversation about what’s going on, and that’s not a bad thing. 


You are remarkable and wonderful.


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